Acupuncture Treatment
Can you imagine how effective a health care discipline must be to stand the test of time for hundreds of generations? With a large portion of the media and research focusing their attention on the newest surgeries and medications, valuable and essential forms of health care are being forgotten. While acupuncture alone has been shown to be the best line of treatment for many conditions, it can also be incorporated into various treatment plans to increase results and decrease treatment time. I would like to provide you with some basic information about acupuncture and to see if you could be one of the millions of people to benefit from its application.
How Does Neurofunctional Acupuncture Work?
Neurofunctional acupuncture is a treatment method that involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body. These points, known as acupoints, are believed to be linked to nerve pathways and energy channels that can affect overall health and well-being. By stimulating these points, neurofunctional acupuncture aims to activate the body's natural healing mechanisms and promote pain relief. This technique is based on both traditional knowledge and modern scientific understanding of anatomy and physiology. Scientific research has shown that neurofunctional acupuncture can regulate neurotransmitters and modulate pain signals, leading to reduced pain and improved overall health. So, if you're looking for a natural and effective way to address pain or other health conditions, neurofunctional acupuncture may be worth considering.
What are the benefits?
- Provides greater pain relief than traditional acupuncture
- Reduces muscle tension and improves range of motion
- Regulates pain signals and neurotransmitters, improving pain and mood
- Increases blood flow to promote healing and tissue repair
- Has fewer side effects than traditional pain medications
- Complements other medical treatments, such as physical therapy
- Can improve sleep and reduce stress levels
- May boost immune function and overall well-being
- Can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional pain management methods
- Non-invasive and generally well-tolerated
- Treatment sessions are typically shorter than traditional acupuncture
- Can provide long-lasting pain relief for chronic conditions.
What Should I Expect During My Acupuncture Treatment?
The first thing to understand prior to an acupuncture session is that the needles used are much different than those that you would typically encounter at a hospital. In fact, most patients describe their acupuncture treatment as a calm and relaxing experience. In fact, some patients report feeling little to nothing at all.
On your first visit, we will begin by performing a thorough history and examination. After the results are analyzed, I will identify the problematic areas and develop an individualized treatment plan. After the sterile needles are positioned, patients typically rest for 30-45 minutes as the treatment takes its course.
As with many conditions, the treatment effect can vary depending on the severity of the problem. Many patients report feeling immediate relief, while others describe noticing changes up to two days following the therapy. Depending on the patient and the number of visits, relief may last anywhere from a few hours to several weeks. It will be important to monitor this so that your treatment schedule can be altered appropriately.
While side effects are minimal, some patients have reported minor bouts of nausea, bruising, muscle pain, and difficulty sleeping following their initial treatment.